Dave Bown Projects is pleased to announce the results of the Photography Competition 2015 which was curated by Brian Paul Clamp, Director, ClampArt, New York; and Karen Irvine, Curator and Associate Director, Museum of Contemporary Photography from submissions that were received from artists from approximately 40 countries. This competition features images of the work of 10 visual artists. Unrestricted monetary awards to visual artists totaling $5,000 USD has been awarded. Sarah Hobbs received $2,500 USD (Grand Prize), Teri Havens received $1,500 USD (Award of Excellence), and Michael Zuhorski received $1,000 USD (Award of Excellence).

Teri Havens
Sarah Hobbs
Gloria Houng
Pam Korman
Monika Malewska

Laura Migliorino
Emmanuel Monzon
Suemedha Sood
Gergely Szatmari
Michael Zuhorski

Scholars, artists, and the general public can now view the Photography Competition 2015 at davebownprojects.com/photo2015.html

Dave Bown Projects
The initiatives of the privately held U.S. company focus on advancing the field of visual arts by conducting research, buying works of art for the Collection of Dave Bown Projects, and providing unrestricted monetary awards to visual artists.